Wednesday, November 11, 2009

He Sure Does Love Me!

Last weekend we went to SNU in Bethany, OK for our college Homecoming.  My husband arranged a night for us to get together with friends from our youth pastor days in Woodward, OK.  Being in Woodward and serving in that church there was such a happy time for us!  We looked forward to seeing these special people in our lives!

So over lasagna and salad, laughter and joy, we experienced that sweet spot of remembering and reaquainting, found within the context of the family of God.  I've had this experience before, but the Lord used this one to remind me of the importance of relationships.  of  loving on people.  and letting them love you back.

Though we hadn't seen some of them for years, because of the family of God, because of committed lives where their faith is lived out each day, even some of the experiences we've had apart, have still been shared.

Here's what I  mean:  When you have friends who are believers, who are really lovers of Christ, you can know that as life has happened-they've been trusting in the one they cannot see to guide their steps.  You can know that when times have gotten hard, just like you, they've fallen to their knees and asked for help from the one who is peace, who is a brother, who is our breath.  You can know that because of a life lived in faithfulness, they have lifted their faces and been thankful, and been humbled by blessings from God.

These relationships that God provides for us, these people that he allows us to journey with, are part of a bond not too far away from your blood family.  I think back to late-night talks in the parking lot-in the dark-listening to each other's faith story, or long rehearsals for choir musicals, or being the safe place where kids can come and hang out and do homework.  What sweetness is found in the midst of God's children. 

So I'm blessed today, and want to remember what God has shown me through this experience.  I'm humbled, and thankful, and smiling on the inside!  He sure does love me!

1 comment:

Jara said...

Awesome Mary, that's how I feel about the people at DFC!!!