Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cotton Ball Moments

A friend has been working in VBS at her church this week.  It's been a fun, exhausting week for her with 3, 4 and 5 year olds.  I've loved getting daily updates about how much fun she's been having; she's creative and relaxed and is enjoying her time with these little ones. 

I was reminded anew of how busy our lives are as she told me about a special time she had with a little girl and a cotton ball.  At some point in the evening, she touched the cotton ball to the little girl's face, and the sweet child stopped and remarked, "Oh that is so soft on my face!"  She spent a few moments with the little girl, speaking softly, giving generously and loving selflessly.  This may have been the only time in the whole day that this child had someone slow down and give her their full attention.  What a special moment she got to share!

It didn't last very long, before she knew it, something or someone called her attention away; the little ones were ready for the next activity, the night was complete and she was relaying this story to me in the middle of a stressful day at work.  Busy-ness, deadlines and demands ruled the day and drove the mood. 

And she said just to me:  "It makes me appreciate those cotton ball moments!"  I've thought about this over and over since then.  I want to make sure I'm stopping for cotton ball moments with those I love, those at work, those to whom I minister.

Days get busy, people get cranky, situations get all messed up.  But with a soft, sensitive heart, a slow down and a good listen, we can all appreciate the cotton ball moments that come our way.

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