Friday, June 21, 2013

Catching Quality Time. Together.

For quite awhile now, the youth group in our church has taken on the responsibility of cleaning. Our custodian retired, and our youth pastor had this great idea, so cleaning the church has really been a blessing for youth families because the money earned goes to help pay for summer camp, extended trips, or little things like Thursday lunches.  New kids to the youth group and their families are getting a chance to get in on this fundraiser now.

I'm sitting in my office with the doors open and I can hear the sounds of a new 7th grader and his dad working in the church.  I love listening, because it's father and son interacting. I'm sure there are tons of other things both of these guys would enjoy more on a beautiful first day of summer, but they are spending it here at the church.

Uh huh, they are together.
Or to put it another way, they aren't apart, they're together.
Catching quality time. Together.

Dad is coaching son on his cleaning skills. Son is explaining the why's of his particular method. Dad is asking his son's opinion. Son is listening to his dad's direction. Voices aren't raised. Tempers aren't flaring. They are just enjoying being together.

I think as parents we sometimes think together means running the roads; overpriced summer attractions; bigger, better, brighter. And those things are wonderful, I love them every one!  But they aren't the only way to find quality time with your kids.

As I've learned about my own college-aged son, the memories that stick in his head aren't always the ones with the most $$ signs.  Sticky memories are rooted in together.

Side by side.
Give and take.
Patience and time.
Juuust together.

So maybe for you, together needs to be cleaning out a flower bed, or organizing the toy room. Whatever it like at your house, cherish it!  You've got lot of summertime, together-hungry hours ready for you to fill!

Thank you Lord for together!

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