Friday, January 15, 2010

This is why I love being a Children's Pastor #2 Kids are Kids!

I had a really cool lunch today.  I was invited to be in a focus group by a publisher of Children's Curriculum to review new product and provide feedback.  I didn't know what to expect, but had a great time talking with other Children's Pastors from around Dallas, there were about 15 of us there. 

It was cool because of all the different faith traditions represented.  Let's see, at my table, we had a Catholic, a Presbyterian, a Baptist, a Non-Denominational, and me (I'm a Nazarene).  So you know what I "learned"?  Not that this was new information to me (and it surely won't be for you), but it was an up-close-and-personal reminder...that no matter what our choice in churches, kids are kids! 

They just want to feel important,
they love being around their friends,
older kids are a challenge to keep engaged,
and younger kids have lots of energy!

And the people that love to minister to them are the same, no matter where they attend church!  They want kids to know   know   know    that Jesus loves them,
that he came to die for them,
that he has a plan for their lives,
and that he wants them to live with him forever in heaven.

I think the Father was smiling on that little group of Children's Pastors today, because our differences were put aside, and we came together to talk about how to bring the little ones front and center, to be with Jesus.
(happy sigh)


Unknown said...

We are the world, we are the children...! Love your post as usual.

Jara said...

Does this happen to be Monda's company coming out with a new curriculum???? Just wondering!

marymary said...

Jara, No-it's Group Publishing. It was a great experience!